Blog Posts

Android Automotive OS: A short introduction into Google's AAOS

Android Automotive OS: A short introduction into Google's AAOS

Android, or the Android Open Source Project (AOSP), is primarily known from the smartphone market. What is less well known, however, is that the AOSP also provides a good basis for embedded systems and ensures a pleasant reading experience on eReaders, for example.

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International Women's Day - Why I wear Yocto Shirts on the Embedded World Exhibition

International Women's Day - Why I wear Yocto Shirts on the Embedded World Exhibition

Today, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, I’d like to give you an insight on working in Embedded as a woman: Why I’m searching for my best Yocto shirt and the nerdiest hoodie when I’m visiting the Embedded World exhibition.

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USB Updates - Challenges, Approaches and Practical Tips

USB Updates - Challenges, Approaches and Practical Tips

Over-the-air updates have established themselves as the standard for networked devices, but the effort involved in operating the server side is not always commensurate with the benefits. In such cases, the supposedly simple and quick solution of implementing updates via USB is often chosen. But is it really always that uncomplicated? What considerations are necessary to implement USB updates effectively?

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LoRaWAN in theory and practice: A trip through Munich

LoRaWAN in theory and practice: A trip through Munich

LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) is becoming increasingly popular, thanks in part to public networks such as The Things Network, which allow users to dispense with their own gateways. LoRaWAN also promises potential in terms of range and energy efficiency. But how does the standard perform in practice?

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