How a modern Yocto setup could look like

How a modern Yocto setup could look like

In 2015, we built a sophisticated meeting room information system based on Android Things as a student project. As Android Things was deprecated in 2021, we started to use our Yocto Project experience to develop a maintainable, future proof embedded system.

When setting up a new project from scratch, we focused on proper solutions for

  • a maintainable, well supported and patchable build environment for the embedded systems
  • version control, reproducible builds and continuous integration
  • license management
  • a secure and stable update mechanism on image base and
  • managing releases The talk aims to show how we build a system that matches our requirements using the Yocto Project, KAS, Gitlab CI, and Besides, we will have a short outlook to the application built in Flutter.

Presented at

  • Yocto Project Summit 2022.11, virtual, 2022
  • buildingIoT, Munich, 2023

Download original slides (Yocto Project Summit) Download updated slides (buildingIoT)

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