Advanced System Profiling, Tracing and Trace Analysis with Perfetto in Android and Yocto

Advanced System Profiling, Tracing and Trace Analysis with Perfetto in Android and Yocto

Together with my colleague Stefan Lengfeld.

Tracing is a capable mechanism for deep system analysis and profiling with a minimal overhead. By recording defined system events, in Linux but also Android, tracing can be used to analyze concurrency or latency issues, for example. Android’s systrace tool made it easy to analyze and correlate traces and events due to a graphical UI, in order to help developers identify performance bottlenecks. The successor to this advanced and convenient tool is called Perfetto. It’s available for pure Linux too, and part of Yocto (meta-oe) since Langdale now. In the talk, we’ll have a look into

  • using Perfetto with Android and Yocto,
  • adding trace events to your applications,
  • recording traces and
  • analyzing system and application traces with the graphical GUI.

This will allow you to take full advantage of the Perfetto trace viewer UI for analyzing memory usage, CPU scheduling, latency and more.

Presented at

  • Open Source Summit Europe, Vienna, Austria, 2024

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